Catherine Hood Consulting

Frequently Asked Questions

Definitions and Concepts

  1. What is a time series?
  2. What is seasonal adjustment?
  3. What kind of data do we need for seasonal adjustment?
  4. Why seasonally adjust data?
  5. How much data do I need to get a reasonable adjustment?
  6. What are the components of a time series decomposition?
  7. What effects are removed during seasonal adjustment?
  8. What is an ARIMA model?
  9. What is a regARIMA model?
  10. How do I generate a seasonally adjusted series?
  11. What are seasonal filters?
  12. What are trend filters?
  13. Why do the seasonal factors change when new data is added?
  14. How do I choose between additive and a multiplicative models?
  15. What is an indirect (or a direct) adjustment? Why would I need one?

Information on X-12-ARIMA and X-13ARIMA-SEATS

  1. What is X-12-ARIMA and X-13ARIMA-SEATS?
  2. How do I get a copy of X-13ARIMA-SEATS?
  3. How do I run X-12-ARIMA and/or X-13ARIMA-SEATS?
  4. How do I find what I need from the output file?
  5. How do I save output into Excel?
  6. How does X-12/X-13 estimate the trend and seasonal components?
  7. How does X-12/X-13 estimate the trading day and moving holiday components?
  8. What seasonal filters are available in X-12/X-13?
  9. What trend filters are available in X-12/X-13?
  10. How does X-12/X-13 handle extreme values or outliers?
  11. What if I have a holiday not included in X-12/X-13?
  12. How do I process a large number of series?
  13. How do I get X-12/X-13 to calculate an adjustment for the total of my series?
  14. How do I get updates and/or more information on X-13ARIMA-SEATS?
  15. Is there training available?
  16. How do I get started?
  17. Can I run X-12/X-13 from Excel?
  18. What is new in X-13ARIMA-SEATS?
  19. Why should I switch to X-13ARIMA-SEATS?
  20. How do I know if ARIMA-model-based adjustments are right for my series?

Information on TRAMO/SEATS

  1. What is TRAMO/SEATS?
  2. How do I get a copy of TRAMO/SEATS?
  3. How do I run TRAMO/SEATS?
  4. Can I run TRAMO/SEATS from Excel?
  5. How does TRAMO/SEATS estimate the trend and seasonal components?
  6. How does TRAMO/SEATS estimate the trading day and moving holiday components?
  7. How does TRAMO/SEATS handle outliers?
  8. How do I get more information? Is there training available?
  9. How do I get started?

Diagnostics-Related Questions

  1. What are the features of a quality seasonal adjustment?
  2. What diagnostics are available in X-13 to help us judge the quality of the adjustment?
  3. What do I do if the diagnostics fail?
  4. How do I "fix" failing M diagnostics?
  5. How much data do I need to get diagnostics information from X-13?


  1. What do I do if I can't get X-13 to run?
  2. What do I do if I can't get X-13 installed?
  3. How can I get X-13 to run for my short series?
  4. How can I get X-13 to run for my weekly series?
  5. What do I do if I click on a spec file and I get an error message?

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FAQ written by Catherine C.H. Hood
with help from Lynn Imel, Kathy McDonald-Johnson, David Findley, Brian Monsell, and James Ashley
Copyright 2006-2017
Last modified: 7 Aug 2017

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